
Owning it...

Do ever feel like you just need to say something...

This may not make sense. In fact, you are probably confused already. Am I right?? I just think I need this. Work with me, k.

I know that our sins are forgiven once we have repented. When we change our lives and start living with a purpose, things get better. Our lives are blessed and we get to grow in a way that the bindings of sins prevent.

I say this to say that...I don't like fake. I don't like pretend. I like real. I like honest. There was a time in my life that I wasn't honest, that I made mistakes. Little ones and big ones.

I learned from this time in my life and with the help, love, and patience of my wonderful family and friends...I started making better choices. These better choices made me happier. They helped me have a better relationship with my family and My Heavenly Father. All of this brought me to finding the love of my life.

Will has enriched my life in ways that I could have never dreamed of!

I guess my point is that I didn't arrive here without struggle. I haven't forgotten where I came from and I don't intend to. I need those experiences to keep me grounded and to remind me that we are flawed...all of us and that because of this that we don't hold the power to judge others.

I think that sometimes we want to save face. We want to forget the mistakes that we have made or pretend that we never made them. I think that this is because we fear judgment. I know that I feel this way sometimes. I think that is it better to just own it...I would rather not pretend that I am perfect. I like being the vase that was broken and carefully put back together.

I guess what I am trying to say is that you shouldn't have to worry about your past. No one is perfect. As long as you have learned from your mistakes...there is no need to hang your head about them. This is mostly for me. Maybe it will help someone else who knows??


Alexandria said...

I love this. I feel like this a lot. I have made some BIG and little mistakes and I have learned from each and every one of them.

Love this and YOU!

Holli said...

Oh, definitely needed to hear this one. I'll admit to being one really screwy, really rebellious teen. I won't ever forget that part of my past because of the beauty that grew out of those cracks in my enamel. I'm STILL not perfect. But, here's my question for the panel... Is it EVER okay to judge? Not in a "you're going to hell, ha ha" kinda way but in a "I don't want you to be a part of my life because you don't make healthy choices" kinda way ???? Ah, I don't know... Tough call.

By the way, Kim, is one of your "little" mistakes a reference to inspiring me drink that nail polish remover when I was prob. 3? Because I've totally forgiven you for that! :) Lol, JK. But, do you remember that? The thought made me laugh!

Corinne said...

Yes yes yes.
To all of what you've said, I nod my head emphatically :)

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