One of my favorite technological advances is the camera phone. Yes, I am aware that we can now surf the web while flying across the country. Yeah, I heard about that iPad thing. Come on...a camera and a phone! Brilliant! OK. I'm easily amused.
Anyway, we take oodles of pictures with our cell phones. We always have them and if it is something that we want to share we can text, tweet and facebook that baby all over the place {because we know that there are so many people that are on the edge of their seats anxiously awaiting our next self-take...}. Back on track. I was flipping through our photos trying to find some from our recent adventures and I was coming up empty. Then I check my phone...TaDa! I found 347 little gems just waiting for their time in the spotlight. So now I will share with you what has been hiding out on my blackberry... This may to be spread over several posts.
{Do be afraid…I am not going to post all of them.}
New Years Eve/First Moments of 2010
Yes...I am totally ashamed. I can't believe I forgot to blog about this. Who forgets the start of a new DECADE??? Really, Kimberly, REALLY? On with the story…
We made our way to Boston via the good old MBTA, which is always free for holidays! Our friends, Ethan and Laura, braved bitter cold and the crowded city with us. We had an early dinner {Sushi...the norm when we are with Ethan and Laura} and checked out the fireworks and ice sculptures in the Commons. Once we had our fill headed for the car. In order to "head for the car" we have to pass Mike’s Pastry...oh how I love me some Mike's! We stopped in and fought our way to the counter, in true Mike’s tradition, for our treats!! We were home and in our pjs in time to have our last '09 kiss and out first in '10! It was a great night...
Good times, Y'all...real. good. times.
Last one...
In an attempt to embrace winter an all that comes with is us playing!

Snow Angels...

Lazy Snowmen...

Crash landings...

Zipfy Mini Luge= $30.00 Fluffy Warm Jackets= $60.00 Snow Boots= $50.00
Hours of Fun Together and New Memories Made= Priceless
Zipfy Mini Luge= $30.00 Fluffy Warm Jackets= $60.00 Snow Boots= $50.00
Hours of Fun Together and New Memories Made= Priceless

Coming Soon - Cell Phone Photography: B-Day/ V-Day Edition!
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