
Lovesick/Good News

Preface: I wrote this post awhile ago...I thought I posted it. Clearly, I did not. *Facepalm*

These last few weeks have been difficult. By difficult, I really mean nearly unbearable.
Will being gone has been so much harder this time.
I can’t put my finger on the reason…
This ain’t my first rodeo, after all.
I always have my transition time;
Where I sulk a bit,
Be anti-social,
Sleep on the couch instead of our bed and
Cry into my Ben & Jerry’s.
Then, I move on. I keep busy and spend time with friends.
I shop a little too much.
This time has been different.
[Will, if you are reading this…I am not trying to make you feel guilty. I’m just expressing.]
I have been so emotional, so unmotivated, so lonely and just plain old grumpy.
I have been thinking about this…why this time is so different.
Here is a breakdown of 2010 thus far:
January- gone
February- home 18 days out of 28
March- gone...well, will be home for 7 days at the end
April- will be gone
See my problem?? I freaking miss my husband. I’m totally lovesick!
I can't wait to see him. Really. Can't. Wait.
Bright side...I just have a few more days left! It may only get him for 7, but you better believe I will make 'em count!
In other good news...I have the best family EVER. No lie. They would do anything for me.
Example: I am scheduled to have eye surgery April 2nd. I was going to cancel cause I am a big baby and didn't want to do it while Will is away. Even though all of my sweet friends AND my boss offered to help me...I still wanted to chicken out. Until I got this text late one night from one of my big sisters...
Amanda: I have thought about it. I want to come when you have your surgery.
Me: Really?
Amanda: Yep. You say the word.
Me: No. It’s Ok. That’s too much trouble.
Me: Well...Are you sure???
Amanda: Yes. I don't want you to put it off. I would really like to help you.
Me: It would make me less nervous. Wow. I feel better about it now. {totally crying and feeling very loved}
We continued to text back and forth and I booked her flight that night! I have no idea what I did to deserve such love. This surgery has been making me very nervous. I want this so bad but I am not sure what to expect. I had this big cloud of uncertainty over my head...until  Amanda offered to be there for me. I am still nervous. Still uncertain. Somehow, how knowing that she will be here helps me to push all that aside. It helps me to be excited. To focus on the fact that in 15 days I won't need the glasses or contacts that I have relied on for 20 years. Now I can focus on what it will be like to wake up on April 3rd and SEE! It may sound silly...but this is a dream come true for me. I have wanted surgery for awhile but I never thought it would happen. Well it is going to happen in 15 days!
Thank you Amanda! I love you and I owe BIG!


Corinne said...

I'm so glad your sister will be there :)
But if there's anything else you need - just let me know!

Amanda said...

I understand your feelings, trust me I cry some days and others I am enjoying my "girl dates"! I know it sucks not to have him long but make the most out of it and enjoy it! Anyways, I am glad that Amanda is able to go up there for you to have the surgery that is awesome! You will be great!

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