Well, as some of you know I am testing the waters of a vegetarian lifestyle. Feelings thus far:
Mostly, I'm loving this. I have had so really great food and I have had things that will NEVER set foot in this apartment again.
What have I been loving:
Fresh EVERYTHING (Berries Mostly)
Greek Yogurt
Strawberries on my Salads
Edamame Hummus
Carrot juice
Naan bread
Mushrooms...I knew this but I have a new appreciation for them now
Leeks...more than just an onion
Butternut Squash
Not so much:
Soy Milk...No thank you. I can only drink whole milk. End of discussion.
fresh Tomatoes...I am getting better with them if they are cooked but raw tomatoes make me wanna throw up in my mouth a little bit.
Tofu on its own...like cooking it in a skillet as if it were chicken. I can do it in something like stir fry or soup.
Eggplant. Not sure what to say. I didn't hate it...But I didn't love it.
hmmm...that's it.
Living this way has caused me to branch out and try SO many new things. Using veggies as the focal point instead of typical meats is challenging. Making it satisfying and enjoyable is REALLY challenging. I think for the most part I have been doing pretty darn good. Here is a little breakdown:
Greek yogurt w/ Grape Nuts, Honey & Banana
Fresh Berries & banana
Toast w/Nutella
Cereal & a banana(I get crazy bad leg cramps...like crazy cause my foot will actually draw inward...gross I know. So I have to get lots of potassium everyday)
I always have a Boost right when I first get up. Its a good source of protein and helps me get going!
Kashi Bar
Berries w/ Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt & Honey
Veggies & Ranch
Edamame Hummus & Pita chips
Naan bread w/melted mozzarella
Veggie Sandwiches
Salads...loaded with lots of goodies
Frozen dinners
Leftovers from previous dinners
Portobello & Leek Soup...SO GOOD!
Portobello Burgers...Tasty
Eggplant Parm...Good
Butternut Stew...Yummy
Stir fry w/ Tofu...Great way to use tofu as a protein
Cheese Ravioli....Who doesn't love ravioli
Spinach Ravioli in a Butternut sauce...YUM
With most of my dinners I had a salad or a veggie side and some fruit for dessert. I usually had some type of bread to.
So that's what I have been eating for a little over a week now. I did cave and have some sweet. Only to save my sanity, of course, and I didn't go over board or anything. I didn't exercise like I wanted to either...whats new about that. But all and all I think I did OK. My main goal was to not eat meat and I haven't! The End.
PS. I want a BIG JUICY STEAK!!! Maybe for my birthday...which is in 10 days!