
Failure to Lunch.

No. Not "Launch"...I did intend to write "Lunch".
Ugh. I was starving...sitting at my desk. Ready to chew off a finger to tide me over.
Gross? Why, yes...but, really I was hungry.
Finally! I came up stairs to eat (yes I work at the same apartment complex that I live in).
I looked in the fridge, pantry, then the freeze. I chose a frozen dinner from the freezer.
I heated, I stirred, I heated some more and took a bite...
I tossed it in the trash.
Repeat the above.
At this point I am hungry AND pissed.
When I am hungry I have been told that I can be a bit grouchy...

Anyway, this story doesn't end in tragedy.
I look in the fridge again and found 2 boiled eggs.
I sliced, I salted, I peppered and I took a bite...
I grabbed a slice of bread and I toasted,
I slathered it with Nutella and I took a bite...
And just like that lunch went from being a disaster to delightful!
Thank you Will for boiling eggs and thank you Nutella for saving the day.
Oh! I also still have all my fingers...for now.


Alexandria said...

Bahaha! I love this! I hate when there is something I want to eat and it is nowhere to be found! Ugh.

Nutella is the stuff of awesomeness. True freaking story!

Lauren said...

I hate when I am starving and my lean cuisine is sicknast!

Nutella is good. It is really tasty on apples!

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