As most of you know, Will is away, and that means I must have something to obsess over to keep me occupied. The last time he was away I had lots to do to prepare for our Disney Vaca. This time I am working on compiling new recipes and changing the way we eat and live. This will be easier to do while Will is gone...I can get into a routine, experiment with new recipes and he will fall right in to what I have been doing. Will is easy to cook for...feed him when he is hungry and not a minute later and he is happy. Content not important. There are some things that he loves- the occasional steak, sushi, stuffed bell peppers, pizza, chili and a few others. As long as I throw these things out there I am pretty much free to cook how and what I want and he will happily eat. it. up. Anyway, for the next several days I am going to channel my energy and culinary talents into being something of a vegetarian. Pork and beef, while I love them, sometimes they upset my tummy. I have also done some research on eating for your blood type and As should be vegetarians. My plan is to eat NO MEAT for the next several days. I will still eat eggs and fish. I am also trying to cut out the sweets...this will probably kill me...miss me when I am gone. So, I am open to recipe suggestions. I started today by sleeping in (I have the day off work) and then making a tasty brunch. I found this idea on Lauren's blog. She is also cutting out the sugar and eating veggie also. My version is a bit different...only slightly. OK. Here is Brunch!
1. Naan bread topped with slices of fresh mozzarella
2. Add thinly sliced roma tomatoes...yes I said tomatoes. I know this is as shocking as a Republican Senator in Massachusetts but its true!

3. Lightly drizzle with olive oil and season to taste
4. Toast till cheese is bubbly

5. While the naan bread is getting toasty, the cheese is getting melty, tomatoes roasty...scramble up some eggs
6. Slice an avocado

7. Plate your tasty, roasty, melty, naan bread
8. Top it all off with the sliced avocado


I LOVED this!! Even the tomatoes! I will definitely be making this again. Thanks Lauren.
That meal looks DELISH!!! I'm going to have to try it. And I'll send you some of my meat free recipes... Meat upsets my tummy too.
Yum! Good for you for cutting out sweets. If I tried that I would surely perish. No lie.
Um. Hi. Your 'Republican Senator in Massachusetts' comment slayed me! It was hilarious my lovely conservative bff!
Love you!
Good luck! There are SO MANY yummy vegetarian dishes!!! Meat used to kill I'm ok with it, but I still eat it VERY sparingly! I used to go weeks at a time without meat and not even realize it. I'm excited for you!
I have heard you should eat for your blood type too. I think I actually saw a book on it when I used to work for Barnes & Noble.
Brunch looks amazing!!
Ooh that looks yummy! We try to eat vegetarian a few nights a week, which helps with the budget as well. We rarely miss meat the nights we don't eat it. Will have to try this dinner next week!
You're so lucky. My bf is such a picky eater! What I wouldn't give for him to just not complain about what I cook.
Good for you! Let us know whenever you find yummy recipes!
Mmm that looks scrumptious!!
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