Women are interesting creatures.
Obviously, we differ from men. We differ physically as well as mentally.
This isn’t ground breaking news…
However, I have learned something about women.
We are beautiful, we are thoughtful and we love on a thousand different levels.
We can be so completely different…yet put us in a room together and we find common ground. We will relate. We find a love and respect for one another in under an hour.
I had the pleasure of having lunch yesterday with some extraordinary women. Some I knew and some I didn’t. Thanks to this great lady we all had the opportunity to meet.
We all hailed from somewhere different {3 from the same state…Texas is so big that we still all came from different worlds}, we are different places in our lives and yet we talked for 2 hours without a single awkward pause.
I would have to consider myself the odd woman out.
I lack a college degree, though I have attended A LOT!
I do not have children.
I am not a gifted writer or photographer.
I am just Kimberly and that is ok.
I never felt left out.
Because women will see what you are instead of what you are not.
We found away to communicate and discuss our lives in a way that included the group.
One major thing that we have in common is our outlets of expression.
We blog. That’s right. We write and share our lives on the world wide web. We know its kinda weird...that's cool with us.
Our reasons are the same but different.
We also share a love of pizza and brownies!
I really enjoyed our time together. It was something I needed. It was thought provoking and…you know what? It was fun!
Thanks again!
**PS. I’m not knocking men. I happen to be the proud wife of a great man. I’m also not saying that all women are perfect…I’m just sharing some thoughts. After all, that is what this space of mine is for.