1. Its nothing like my old job! (that's a biggie)
2. My commute would consist of walking up and down two flights of stairs!
3. I don't have to drive, which means less gas and not paying tolls.
4. We will get a discount on our rent!!! (It costs a fortune to live here, well almost)
5. I get to work with someone that I already know! (Yay!)
6. When the day is over I can be home in TWO minutes as opposed to TWO HOURS!
It is just an all around better situation. I am grateful for my old job. It came along right when we needed it and was good for awhile. But, it wasn't for me. I desperately want to finish school and someday I will. Until then this job is going to help us build up our savings and prepare for our future. Well, I'm way excited and can't wait to start! Thanks again Cher!! I couldn't have gotten the job without you!
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