

K- Hold me just a little longer.
W- You got it baby girl.
This is so familiar. We have done this before.
We get dressed quietly.
It is time to leave. We ride in the car and make silly small talk.
He holds my hand. We glance and each other.
Both of us have some sort of liquid puddling in the corners of our eyes.
The sunrise in Boston is breathtaking...for 2 reasons.
1. This city truly is beautiful especially in the early weekend hours.
Its quiet and the pace is slow.
2. This sunrise would be our last together for a while.
Car is parked and the bags are unloaded.
Standing out in the cold...this is when we finally start talking.
K- I love you.
W- I know baby. I love you too.
K- Please come back to me.
W- I will.
K- sniffs
W- Take care of yourself.
K- I will...not as well as you but I will make it.
W- Drive safe.
K- I will.
W- Go on get in the car before you freeze.
Tears stream down my face on the drive home.
I hate myself sometimes.
Why must I be so dramatic???
It is just for a short time.
He will be home soon.


Lauren said...

I am so sorry you are sad :( You are not dramatic! I think you handled it very well. Just remember when you get sad you have us crazy blog/twitter friends that would love to cheer you up.

Corinne said...

You are not being dramatic. You are a wife who loves her husband to no end. I would do the same thing...
(loved this...)

turleybenson said...

:( I'd hate it too. Like haaate it. I'm sorry, Kim.

Kimberly said...

I think you are an amazing, strong, beautiful person. I have friends in the Navy and one of them is leaving for San Diego Tuesday. It's hard when your friend leaves I can only imagine what it would be like when your other half goes.

When I moved to Virginia I bought Married to the Military. It was really interesting and a good way to learn about the military from a girls' view.

Alexandria said...

I heart you. It is not dramatic...it is just life! You are amazing! He will be home before you know it!

Erin said...

This made me cry.

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