We had a helluva good time at my Company Holiday Party (I prefer not to mention the name of the company...don't want someone to google it and stumble onto these pics!) We were given 2 days off since the festivities took place in New Jersey! We were driven by bus to a nice hotel to settle in and get "all done up" after which we were taken to the Crystal Plaza...nice huh?? Being politically correct and all, the attention was focused on the company's success as well as honoring employees. Our property took home several awards! After tons of yummy food and drinks (for some) the music started and the dancing followed! I haven't danced like that in forever and it was sooooo fun! I made a little collage to share with you....

I really do like my Co-Workers and it was fun to hang with them and their other halves away from the office.
Thank you, Company I work for, for showing us some love and throwing a fabulous party! The End.
Fun, fun, fun! Looks like you had a fabulous time!
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