This is a new tradition for my family. Each of us wrote a little update (some not so little...wink, wink) about ourselves and what we have been doing. I thought I would share it on the blog!
Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us! This is our 1st Annual Family Christmas letter. We are so excited to share with you the comings and goings of our family this past year.
We love the holidays! The holidays mean family get togethers, staying up all night cooking, eating, playing games, visiting, reminiscing, making memories, laughter, counting our blessings and lots of hugs. There's never a menu planned, because we like and cook everything! Everyone's favorite is David's smoked turkey (always perfect) stuffed with a little piece of something yummy followed by the tradition (which will never be broken) of dirty rice and cornbread dressing. Everyone has a favorite dessert and we make them all! The grocery shopping has begun and the cupboards are bulging.
"Bitter Sweet" best describes 2009 for the Caillier family. There were many joyous and happy times as well as sad and difficult times. David's Dad, Jules Caillier passed away in April, leaving a tremendous void in our lives. We miss him terribly. He often told us, "don't worry about me, I've lived a good life, I have good family, good grandkids and I'm ready to go." Those sweet words have given us great peace and comfort. 2009 brought employment ups and downs for David but we have seen the Lord's hand in our daily lives as He continues to bless us. We still find our lives very busy and active with family, work and our church callings. We have a never ending (it seems like) garage building project, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. In August, Jacob returned with honor from a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints. We are happy to have him back home and express our gratitude to him for his service.
We also had our "1st Annual Family Vacation". We spent the week of Thanksgiving in Orlando, Florida at Disney. It was fabulous! We had a wonderful time. David really enjoyed it…he stood in line to have his picture taken with Pocahontas (she was very pretty). He said it was because it was his birthday!
Season's Greetings from the San Antonio Clerc's!!
For those of you who aren't quite sure who the San Antonio Clerc's are, let me briefly introduce us. April and Deon were married on June 8, 2007 in the San Antonio Texas Temple. Our family is comprised of Deon Clerc (4th out of 5 children of Guy and Mary Lou Clerc of St. David, AZ), April (Caillier) Clerc (oldest of 4 children of David and Candy Caillier of Buna, TX), and Hunter Williams, currently our only child and the only grandchild and nephew to the David and Candy Caillier crew. Needless to say he is a bit spoiled….but not too badly. Just ask him.
Hunter started the year playing tackle football for a community sports league on a team named "The Dragons." He is now in 7th grade and just finished his first season playing school football (Wood Middle School) for the Wood Wranglers. After registration, physicals, and purchasing all the necessary equipment, we thought we had everything worked out until April got a call from the school nurse saying that she thought Hunter had dislocated his elbow in a PE accident. After an ER visit, three MD appointments, and six weeks off for an injured ligament, the football season was practically over. We are now moving on to Basketball, and this will be his first time to ever play basketball on an organized team. Look us up on Facebook for updates and pictures of his first game. Hunter is also active in Boy Scouts. During the summer he attended scout camp at Bear Creek where he completed several merit badges and participated in other camp activities. At our most recent Court of Honor Hunter received several merit badges and earned his Star rank. At this rate he will be receiving his Eagle Scout award before we know it! On the Friday before Memorial Day our family had the honor and privilege of joining hundreds of Cub, Boy, and Girl Scouts, military personnel, and other civilian volunteers in placing American flags at over 98,000 graves at the Fort Sam Houston cemetery. It was a truly humbling experience, one which we hope to be a part of each year.
In May 2009 April also lost a close, personal friend and family member, Troy Gatlin. Oh, what a great example of unconditional love and friendship he was to her. He had such an outstanding spirit and a real power to touch lives for good. He taught me that there is absolutely nothing I can't do. He not only taught me the true meaning of F.R.O.G (Fully Rely on God), he LIVED it everyday of his short lifetime.
April decided to leave her job in August and pursue Private Duty Nursing. April has been given the amazing opportunity to work with an outstanding young woman. She feels very lucky to be able to spend everyday learning and growing with such a wonderful family. April was also recently released from her calling in Nursery and called as the 2nd counselor in the Young Women's Presidency. She is really enjoying learning about the young women she serves and is grateful for the chance to work with such a unique group of girls. And for those of you who don't know, April had the Lap-band surgery in July 2008 and has currently lost 85 lbs! She looks forward to many more pounds being shed and is impatiently waiting for the end result.
Deon is looking forward to his 5th year as a Dental Hygienist working with Dr. Angela Goodman and the talented staff at Goodman Family Dental. He is taking a year off from holding a leadership position in both the San Antonio District Dental Hygienists' Society, and the Greater San Antonio Hispanic Dental Association. He has held a leadership position in both of these organizations since graduating from Dental Hygiene school in 2005. But, don't think he is sitting at home with nothing to do. He continues to serve as an Assistant Scoutmaster for the 11-year old scouts in our ward. He is also still serving in Nursery…until next week. Our Bishop informed us today that Deon will be released from Nursery next Sunday, and that "this would be a good time to take a little break…a break that will be extremely short-lived." Deon will be happy to serve in whatever capacity he is asked to serve in.
That about wraps it up for the San Antonio Clerc's 2009. We are looking forward to a great 2010 and wish each of you a Merry Christmas and all the best in YOUR 2010.
Happy Holidays from Houston!
Hey everyone, Amanda here! Hope everyone has a joyous Holiday Season!! Let's see. . .I still work at Bammel, but now I'm the Math Department Chair and the Instructional Specialist for the school. I just bought a house in Spring/Woodlands area, so it looks like I am here to stay for a while. . .come visit me! In the early process of the move, I found me a little friend at Mom and Dad's place. My little four-legged friend has been good company for me as I transition to my new home. . .his name is Franklin, his namesake from the farm I found him on. For any of you who didn't know, I also lived in Mom and Dad's travel trailer while looking for a home, and that was an experience in and of itself. . .good times though!!As always I love my time with my family, I miss Kim and Will because they are so far away, but I have been fortunate enough to be able to see them three times since they moved. . .I still travel a lot for work, so I stay on the go, including getting to San Antonio to see the Clercs'. . .that's about it for me. Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Merry Christmas from New England!!
Will and I are still in Boston! We celebrated our 1st anniversary in October and we are still so happy. Will works for a unit in the Coast Guard that gets deployed pretty often. That is hard sometimes but we have made so many friends here that I have lots to do to keep me busy. I love him and I am so proud of what he has chosen to do for a living! I am working at the apartment community that we live in, and I love it! Best commute I have EVER had. I have been privileged to work with the young women at church…which also keeps me busy. We enjoy venturing out on our own to see all that New England has to offer. There is so much to do here. We haven't seen it all, but thanks to all of the AMAZING houseguests that we have had, Will and I have become quite the tour guides. Our favorite spots include, Downtown Boston (the North End to be specific), Salem, State parks North of Boston, New York (The Catskills…We haven't been to the city yet), York Harbor, Maine, Salem, NH (they have the nearest Super Wal-Mart) and our Apartment! We both miss our families so much. It hits us the most this time of year. We have enjoyed celebrating Christmas and other holidays together though. Making our own traditions and being with other couples that are away from home too. Well, that's the Worthen's at a glance. We love you all and hope you have a Beautiful Christmas and Joyous New Year.
Happy Holidays ya'll,
Hey, it's Jake! Well the past year was a fast and crazy one!!! As most of you know I served a two year mission for our church. Those were the best two years of my life!!! I will never forget the people I've met, and grown to love. They taught me so much!!! My family was a great support to me during those two years, as well as many of you. Thank you so much for the emails, letters, cards, and any form of support that you gave me and my family. Now that I am back home, I have moved to San Antonio to live with April, Deon, Hunter, and Kelly (the family dog). Here I am planning on going to school to get my RN, find a job, and maybe a wife. I love this time of year so much. Not for the gifts, but for the time spent with family!!! When you're not able to see your family for two years you really appreciate the time you do have together. And just the Spirit of the season; people are a little more giving and a little more caring. But the greatest gift given to us was Jesus Christ!!! During those two years of service, I came to know Him a lot better. He did the most selfless act of service; He atoned for our sins, and made it possible for us to return to our Father in Heaven. So let us this CHRISTmas, make a little more room for Him. I hope ya'll have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.(Back to Mom) More importantly, we are thankful for what brings us together during the Christmas season, the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are so humbly grateful to him for his wonderful gift. He gave us that gift at a price we cannot fathom. It was a gift He did not need for Himself; He did not need forgiveness. He is the source of our strength and light. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!
With all our Love,
David, Candy and family
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