OK. I hope are ready for some blog overload....
I have lots of events to cover and I want to get caught up before anything else blogworthy happens in our lives.
1. Going to Salem to check out the Halloween Awesomeness with Ashlee, Jared & Hudson! Yes, I know that it is December and that I am blogging about something that happened in October...I will also be including November in this post as well. Just bear with me. Pretty please! Anyway, we had a ton-o-fun. Seriously. A wicked good time. We all know that pictures are worth like 1000 words...so here ya go.

2. Will's Dad and brother visited us for a little while. I haven't spent much time with my in-laws so it was nice to spend time getting to know them better. I also LOVE playing hostess! I really enjoy having guest and showing people all the things that we love about Boston. Yeah. I just admitted that I love this place. Anyway, I also got to help my little cousin with a project. Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley?? It is a really cool children's book. In the book Stanley makes himself flat and puts a stamp on himself and he goes around the world having adventures. My cousin, Lucas, got to make his very own Flat Stanley to send somewhere to have an adventure. Of all the people he could have chosen...Lucas picked Will and I! So, while we were taking Will's Dad and brother around Boston, we took Flat Stanly too!

3. I neglected my blog...
4. Will left me...Not really. He just went on a deployment. It was a short one but he missed he missed Halloween so we still haven't gotten to do the couple dress up thing! I did however, get to attended the coolest Halloween Party Ever!! Click here to see how cool the Anderson's are! It was a blast.
5. Will got home just in time to help me get everything ready for our trip to FLORIDA!! That's right, we left the cold nasty New England weather for some warm sunshine. We spent the Entire week of Thanksgiving with my family at Disney World. It was magical. Seriously, the happiest place on earth!! I will do more post on that later.
6. We are home and very busy...I have also not been feeling great (no. unfortunately, it is not due to pregnancy) and that has slowed us down a bit. On the brighter side...I am looking in to vision correction surgery!! Yay!!
Ok...now I can start posting about Christmas!!!
I missed you. But I am glad you were off having fun!
Sorry you aren't feeling good! Hope you feel better!
heart you!
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