
Thank You Letters

Thank you for knowing way back when what a great person Mama was, thank you for loving her and making her yours! Thank you for coining the phrase, "Love, Hugs, and Kisses". Thank you for working so hard to make a great life for us. Thank for a great head of hair and my singing voice! Oh! Last but certainly not least…thank you for my naming me! (Apparently my parents disagreed a bit about what I was to named and Dad won)
Love, Hugs, and Kisses

Thank you for marrying Daddy even though he painted your name on the side of his pick-up truck! Thank you for being such a great example of what a wife and mother should be. Thank you for not giving up on me! Thank for always reminding constantly of what time it was while I was getting ready (I'm not being sarcastic…I have no concept of time)! Thank you for passing on your fabulous sense of humor to me…that's right , I get from my Mama! Thank you for giving birth to me, sorry about the morning, noon and night sickness! Thank you for everything you did that I didn't say thank you for growing up!
Love Ya,

Lady that pulled out in front of me yesterday,
Thank you for testing my reflexes. Thank you for nearly giving me whip lash, it really is my favorite thing. Thank you for your complete disregard of others. Thank you for caring more about getting your cigarette lit than the safety of others.
Thanks Again,
Angry Lady behind you

Continental Airlines,
Even though my flight was delayed I do have to thank you for a few things. Thank for the best in-flight movie EVER!! I'm not even kidding people…STAR TREK!! That's right; I know that you are jealous! Thank for feeding my face. Really the meal was actually tasty! Thank for getting me home safely and almost on time.
Thanks A-Bunch,
Happy Passenger

Jake (Little Brother),
Thank you giving up TWO YEARS of your life to serve a mission for our church. Thank you for doing it willingly. Thank you for being an example and a light to so many! Thank you for driving me around when you got your license. Thank you for being a totally awesome little brother!
Love Ya,

Man sitting next to me on this flight,
Thank you for being aware that I may not want to some strange man's elbows stabbing me. Thank you for respecting the space of others. Thank you for reading my blog as I type and laughing…even at that part! Dude you're great…seriously!
You can sit by me anytime,
Kimberly Worthen (Frequent Flyer from Boston to Houston)

Amanda (Big Sister),
Thank you for always picking me up from the airport and always taking me back. Thank you for spending hours on the phone with me. Thank you for getting (understanding) me. Thank you for "hanging out" with me even when you were in college and it wasn't cool to hang with your little sister! Thank you for actually wanting to "hang out" with me or at least pretending. Thank you for visiting me often, Thank you!!!!
Love, Love, Love You,

April (Big Sister),
Thank you for doing my hair and nails for every prom! Thank you having my nephew! He is super great and I can't imagine my life without him! Thank you for getting married again, Deon is so great! Thank you for inspiring me to be healthier and congrats on the new hot bod!!

People reading this blog,
Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for blogging…I LOVE reading about you lives!
Your Bloggin' Buddy for Life!!


Laura said...

Kimmie I absolutely loved this post! You are such an amazing person and am so happy you are doing well! We love you!

EmJeter said...

Kim, when was the last time I told you that you are adorable? I think its been too long...you are so adorable!!! I love reading your posts!! Love you!

Dani said...

What a great idea! But you left me out. haha. just kidding

Michael & Cherilyn said...

hehe this is a cute post! love it~

Jacob said...

to funny!!!

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