I just can't believe it...summer is nearly over! It went by WAY too fast. I am so not ready for another New England winter...oh well, what can ya do?? Anyway, drum roll please, no I'm serious...do it! We have almost been MARRIED for 1 YEAR! It totally doesn't feel like it has been that long. Seems like just yesterday we were snuggled up on my parents couch taking a Sunday snooze! I'm pleased to say that for the most part married life is perfect. Will is SO good to me! Those of you that have known me for awhile know that I need to be taken care of in a very literal sense. I need help remembering things, I need to be babied(spelling??? or is it even a word...whatever ya know what I mean) when I'm sick, and....well you get the idea! I need a lot!! My family was giving Will the 3rd degree before we left..."You better take care of her" was what everyone kept telling him! I am happy to report that he has definitely done just that! He has been so great. Seriously, we are so blessed. We aren't millionaires or anything but we have been so fortunate. We have always been able to get what we need and take care of ourselves! We have had our struggles but (knock on wood) nothing that we couldn't handle. I attribute most of this to our religious beliefs. We pay tithing and attend church regularly (we are NOT perfect and I'm NOT trying to be preachy...just sayin')and I truly believe that we have been greatly blessed for it. Not only financially but in our relationship as well. We have had to adjust to being married but it really wasn't hard at all. Just the "She has 70 bottles in the shower and she leaves them all open" and the "He always has the remote"!We have our little arguments like most couples do but nothing major. It has been tuff living away from home but I have been able to go home and we have had SEVERAL visitors! All in all life is good!!
It really seems like yesterday that I was your Beehive leader and married about as long as you have been--HOLD ON it goes by fast, but it is wonderful!!! I'm really happy for you & that picture is awesome!! :)
Congrats on your upcoming 1 year anniversary!!!
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