
I'm so wrong for this...

I don't usually feel this way...I'm a women so I can vent and be crazy once in awhile....right?? Anyway.
Have you ever wanted something??
Then watched EVERYONE you know get it??
Sometimes I feel like some people have it so easy.
Then they don't even seem to appreciate what they have.
Which is probably not even true...Its just my envy talkin'. Why do I feel this way? Why do I get jealous of others happiness? Especially, since I have been so blessed.

OK~ Enough of that. Sometimes I can be such a baby. I am happy and I have so much to be grateful for. I'm impatient. Bottom line. OK. I have built my bridge and I'm over it.

Thank you.


turleybenson said...

Uh, yeah. HELL yeah, I've been there. And stop beating yourself up for feeling that way, everyone gets to feel sorry for themselves, period. I'm currently spending the day feeling sorry for myself because of this STUPID WEATHER.

Holli said...

Man, I know how you feel. We all envy others for what we perceive we don't have. I spent all my life mad at other people for being "skinnier" than me. Now that I've had a baby and now that I am REALLY overweight, I look back at my life then and think of how skewed my perspective was. God sends us all down different roads for a reason.

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