
My 2009!

I have made some promises to myself for 2009. I'm refusing to use the word resolution. I think a promise insures more follow through. Anyway, I also thought that writing about them would help. So, lets begin. I promise to take better care of myself. That doesn't mean crash dieting to lose a few pounds and then gain it right back. I will not be a yo yo this year. I also promise to be better person. I want the people in my life to know what they mean to me. I'm done taking life for granted. I want live life with a positive attitude and make a difference where I can! I'm going to write more letters and email and text less. I want to become more familiar with the scriptures and words from our present day Prophets. I want to really talk to my Heavenly Father often. I want to take time to apprieciate all that I have been given. Whine less and be happy with the wonderful life I have. Ok. Now that its out there i must follow through! No turning back now!!!


Heather Guymon said...

Hey whats up with not telling me about your blog...hoochie. I still love you though.

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