The rocking went on for hours!! It was tons of fun to relax and enjoy the company of friends! We laughed and laughed...It felt great. I still miss home so much but, having good people to spend time with makes a big difference.
Boys playing Wii Tennis!!
Things got even more interesting at this point....the boys were playing, the girls were chatting, and the kiddos were sleeping. Ryan and Meagan live down below us so they put Jace down for the night and brought the monitor to our apartment. Katie, John and Marissa's little one, was fast asleep on our bed.
Seems uneventful, right? Well, in the midst of our party, we begin to hear noise coming through the baby monitor! Loud music and voices! The girls went down to investigate. We knew it was safe for us to go because we had already discovered that the noise was coming from the neighbors directly above Ryan and Meagan. What we didn't know was that it was 10 times louder in Jase's room. Poor little guy! John and Marissa live a few doors down from us and right next door the abnoxious neighbors. Marissa filled us on what she deals with on a daily basis. From what she said its a wonder that they ever get any sleep. She and others have reported lot of loud fighting, verbal and physical. Also we live in a non smoking building and the entire 2nd floor was filling with smoke. It was time to call the police. The party had just gotten to out of hand. You may wonder why we didn't simply knock on the door and ask them nicely to turn the music down. One of the people living in that apartment is a very large violent man. Best to let the men with weapons handle this one!!
Well, we waited for the cops and told them all the background (all night music blaring, domestic disputes). It got a bit rowdy after the cops left. We had to be clever getting back to the apartment. Party goers were leaving and we didn't want to be seen by anyone. That pretty much ended the festivities!! I think us girls got a little rattled, but i must admit it was exciting. Not to mention in was the right thing to do. These people have been disturbing people for months. Hopefully the problem is solved, for the time being!!
I think its safe to say that a good time was had by all!! Thanks to our wonderful new friends! Thanks Guys!!
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