from the top of the Prudential building!
I'm trying to catch up on my bloggin. This post will be the first of many. The Anniversary weekend was BIG and I have lots to share with you!
Will is pretty much amazing. No really. He is. He surprised me with dinner at Top of the Hub! It was fabulous...
breathtaking and
well I think you get it.
We walked around the Skywalk before dinner.
If you live or visit in BeanTown you NEED to see it from the Prudential.
Near sunset...just sayin'.
I took like a thousand pics...I showing you 5.
You are welcome!

After that tasty dinner and DECADENT dessert we went to the Boston Symphony.
It was a beautiful night and it is always exciting to be in the city and ride the train!
Will did a great job planning a perfect night. He even gave me a letter at the table with the symphony tickets (1st anniversary=paper)!
Yes he is perfect and I know it!
I know that everyone says this...
this last year has been the best year of my life.
I mean it.
Not just cause I am married and feel like I should say it.
I have had a happy life, a great childhood, and I have always been surrounded by loved ones.
This year was that and so much more. This year I learned about a new kind of love.
I learned that being married to someone that truly loves and gets you is a beautiful thing.
Life is hard and marriage is even harder. You do have to work at things.
Knowing that Will is mine for eternity makes all the work worth it.
Knowing that those beautiful eyes will be smiling at me for worth it! more mushy talk.

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