
Um. Hi.

Yeah we are alive.
I know you might have thought we were face down in a ditch some where.
Not the case at all.
We are well (sorta) and happy.
Let me give you a quick update...
I enjoyed life as a veggie only eater.
Will got home and messed up my routine but that's OK cause I missed his face.
I started neglecting my twitter, TV, blog and FB. To smooch the afore mentioned face.
I turned 27 and Will took me on a fabulous mini vaca and bought me some really sweet gifts...he basically wins at life.
During said mini vaca I decided to eat a FULL rack of the tastiest ribs ever...Um. Hi. If you haven't had meat in like a month that is a VERY VERY BAD idea. I pretty much suck at life.
I spent the b-day eve in the ER. Giant cyst ruptured...ain't no thang!
I got lots of love and prezzies on the B-Day! Thank you everyone!
There will be a B-Day funness post. Don't you worry!
Will hurt his back/neck at work.
I scheduled my eye surgery!!!! April 2nd 2010!!!! AHHHHHHH I am SO EXCITED!
We had a nice Day before V-Day celebration...more one this later.
We have been very productive in the apartment...cleaning, organizing and buying some new decor. Fun for me. Will, yeah, not so much.
I am training for the Breast Cancer 3 Day in Boston!
OK. Take a breath already, Kim.
That is all...for now.


Megan said...

i love that you said "I know you might have thought we were face down in a ditch some where" that literally made me Laugh Out Loud!!! hahaha i am a horrible blogger these days and haven't even been keeping up with reading anyones-but i'm trying to catch up! and OH MY i'm so so so so sorry about that cyst rupturing, i know that pain and it is nothing to shrug off easy AT ALL!

LOVE YOU BUNCHES! and good luck training!!

Corinne said...

This was a jam packed post - after I read every sentence I had something I wanted to say. Now I can't remember...

But I'm sorry you were in the ER... that sucks. I know a little something about cysts rupturing. Big "booo" to that. But eye surgery!!! Wow! Go you :) And how awesome are you, doing the Breast Cancer walk?

Nell said...

Ooooh, that sounds painful. And it's never ever fun to go to the ER.


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