

Some of this may sound hypocritical or rude but…oh yeah it MY blog so I can say what I want! Ok here I go…

I'm done with drama…

  • The High School Kind- This is when grown people act like pubescent adolescents. You know people like this. You attend church with people like this. You work with people like this and unfortunately you are related to people like this. It sucks and it gets on my last nerve.
  • The Family Kind- I am fairly certain that this one is self explanatory. Contact me directly for further explanation.
  • The Friend Kind- Friend drama occurs when one or more member in a group of friends is far less mature than the rest of the group. This may sound like "The High School Kind". I know…its confusing because the three run together. There are several common themes: Selfishness, immaturity, and a complete and total disregard for the feelings of others.

I'm done with selfishness…

    I am so tired of hearing selfish people whine, complain, sit on their tails, and then expect others to take care of them. If your life sucks…it is up to you to make it better. My life isn't perfect and sometimes I complain. Everyone does. However, not everyone wallows in their self pity and then wants someone else to make life right (all the while mistreating and slandering those that are expected to help). We are all selfish to some degree. It is wrong to let it consume you. It is wrong for gratitude to go out the widow and for expectation to set up shop in your living room. It is human nature…I get that. There has to come a time in your life that you become a self sufficient adult. I made mistakes, I know, you are in shock. My parents had to bail me out lots of times. This happens. We live and then we should learn. Some may need to repeat this pattern more than others, I certainly did. The difference is that I learned and I am grateful for my parents and their love and support. I think that I owe them now, not the other way around. Sure, we will still need help from our parents, but to just constantly expect something from them is wrong. Take your parents out dinner once in a while and pick up the check. Or if they come to see you cook them a meal so that they don't have to eat out. Thank them every now and then for ….I don't know…bringing you into this world and taking care of your sorry hide for the last 20 something years. I'm sure that you didn't always see eye to eye with your parents. You may have flat out hated them. And maybe they were terrible people…WHATEVER!! They are your parents. In most cases, they did the best that they could! And for crying out loud please DO NOT complain to me about your parents and then let me catch you with your hand out waiting for them to put something in it.

P.S. The world DOES NOT revolve around you. You can't have your way all the time and you will look absolutely ridiculous when you throw that 2 year old fit!

A few years ago, if I had read this on someone else's blog it would've hurt. Rightfully so, I was not a great person then. I'm mostly speaking from experience here. Sometimes we don't know that we are hurting people because they never tell us….

I'm done with...blogging today. I know you're relieved that the pain and suffering is over!


Will said...

She's right. Rather then get all defensive I just took a step back from common brain function and tried to review my life lately. I have a lot to improve! I complain a ton and I can be really rude sometimes. I'm trying to think of ways to make permanent changes to my attitude towards friends and family. I think by first identifying all the blessings I've been given instead of thinking how much "life sucks", that may make a huge difference. Can anyone think of other ways? Thank you Kimmie for being honest, you're an awesome friend (and the most amazing wife ever).

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