
Pearl of Little Price

Whether "chance" and "fate" have any real effect or consequence on our lives is more than I care to ponder, but occasionally I like to look back from any moment in time to remember how I got to that specific point. Kinda a brief flashback to realize how random things are and how much the odds are against us to have arrived at our current place and time. Deep, huh? Well I had the opportunity (free time and totally bored) to flashback to a recent occurrence which was quite amusing to Kim and I, and I would like to share that with you in the hopes to amuse you as well.

Just recently one of our dear friends from church moved away and they decided to have a girls only, going-away for her at a local Regina's Pizza. I wanted to drive Kim there so I could hold onto the car and do some Costco shopping while they were doing girl stuff (and I don't care to guess what girl stuff is, its a deep and mysterious realm which no guy has ever returned from).
So I drop her off at Regina's and the sight of that awesome pizzeria drove me into a fit of hunger that had to be sated. So as I was pulling out of that shopping area I remembered that there was a Kelly's Roast Beef restaurant just there on the corner, Hooray! I can dig into some Kelly's like nobodys business. So I park the car, go inside, get in line, order my usual. The usual is a cup of their amazing Clam Chowder and a Garden salad with Greek dressing and slab of feta on the side (yes, I'm aware that Kelly's had a Greek salad, but for two bucks less you only loose the olives. Some how they haven't caught onto my scheme yet). So I'm chillin, enjoying my salad and "chowda" when i bit something hard. That always throws me off, when the texture isn't quite what I expected from what I'm eating. After about 5 seconds of being dazed I fished out the small bead. As I starred at it for about a minute it occurred to me just what I was eating (I know, a whole minute when you all probably saw this coming a mile away, well I'm slow at these things), turns out it was a small, imperfect pearl. No big deal, but for me at the time it was pretty cool. The rest of my night was not nearly as eventful, went shopping for the upcoming camping trip and picked up Kim after they were done. I showed her the pearl which she was amazed at especially by the method of obtaining it. It may have been a small pearl, very much an imperfect pearl, but it was a pearl none the less. Now it sits in the cup holder of our car to remind us every now and again of that day and that friend that moved away.

And now the moral of the story. You never know what events will take place in your life that will lead you to finding that perfect ending, but its the small pearls along the way that make all those events worth it. I look back on our rather short, but amazing life together and remember all the awesome surprises and celebrations, but the parts I love the most are the uneventful evenings curled up on the couch watching a movie or reading a book.


Vanessa said...

What a neat little story. It is amazing how we find things for comfort even when we aren't looking.

& I love that you call is "chowda". I need to come to New England to eat some of the good stuff!

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