

WOW!! It's been awhile. Even though I haven't been posting I have still been reading. I want to thank you all for continuing to provide me with entertainment. You have all been great!

Let me catch you up on all of our craziness!

My birthday was February 9th. I'm the big 26!!! Yay! It was a work day so we didn't go out. Will, being the fabulous man that he is, cleaned up the apartment and made me dinner. My parents, sisters and friends sent cards and packages! It was a really great day.

Our first Valentine's Day was perfect! Oddly enough it wasn't just our first married V-Day but our first V-Day ever. I wasn't looking forward to the commercial banter that surrounds this day. We decided to customize the holiday to fit us. No last minute running around for gifts and all that other pressure. We did a movie day! It was so great. Will brought me breakfast in bed and we gave each other cards and then it was off to the theater. We watched movies all day. The best Valentine's day EVER!

Ok...where are we now??? Oh right, I'm home alone. Will is on deployment. He will be gone the entire month of March. We are doing ok so far. Ok...We are terrible. I'm a nervous wreck. I was never a worrier. I used to just roll with the flow. Now I have this person that means more to me than I ever thought possible. I had no idea that love could torture a person so. I had a few days that I couldn't eat or sleep. Thats getting better though. We will get though it and he will be home before I know it! While he is away my totally cool friends are taking great care of me. We have had parties and gone shopping. They are all so great! My Mama and my sisters are coming to see to me in a few weeks to keep me company. I'm sooooo excited!! Amanda has been here once but Mama and April haven't. I can't wait to be with them again. We are very close and this distance is kinda tuff. Fun Fun Fun

Ok thats all for now!! I will be a better blogger, I promise.

P.S. If you guys could say a prayer or two for Will. Maybe one for me too!


Heather Guymon said...

I love you Kimmie!!! I miss you like crazy too!

Amanda N Jeremy Page said...

Hey girl, I know it is hard when they are gone. Deployments are not fun at all. Just hang in there and stay busy, that is the best way to pass the time.. If you every need anything just let me know!

Will said...

I'm married to the greatest, coolest, most awesome'st Lady in all the world!! I love you Kimmy!!

j bell said...

Hey WILL it's KIMMIE.... LOL spell it right :oP LOL Hey I want to come too when are they coming up to see you... I am part of the family too.... come on I have no one to have sisterly fun with either... :o( boo hooo...

Marissa said...

It sounds like you are surviving and keeping busy. Hang in there! April is almost here.

We'll have to do something fun soon and enjoy the warm weather.

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