
Taking a Break!

Good afternoon! Yay!! The day is almost over!! I really don't have anything special to write about. I have been super busy at work and decided to take a much needed break. So, I thought I would take the time to update everyone. Here are the highlights...

* We finally got to pick up the new car last night! I won't bore you with all the drama we had to go through to get it. I will tell you that it was worth it!! This is the first time I have ever had a new car! There are no dents or scratches(yet, most of you know that my driving record is less than perfect), there are no strange noises or rattlings, and most important, every time I put the key in the ignition I know its gonna start!! If for some reason it doesn't start, its under warranty! Also, this is probably the only new car we will ever get so I'm definitely going to savor the moment!

*I'm sick of snow and cold weather. Yep, I'm done! People said it would get old and is has. It was fun and exciting at first. We got all bundled and played outside, drank hot coco, and took tons of pictures. My heart sinks when I see snow in the forecast. Take me back to hot and humid TEXAS!!!

* Will and I have both settled in nicely at church and work. The ward we go to is so great and there are tons of members that live at our apartment complex. I'm really starting to enjoy my job. I'm learning new skills and it has helped us so much financially. Will is working hard protecting our waters! I worry about him but so far things have been pretty quiet

*We are planning a trip home in June. Nothing is set in stone yet. The reason we chose June is because its Will next opportunity to take leave and I can't take off until after tax season. Then Jake comes home in August so I'm going to try to go see him then. I can't believe that we have been in Massachusetts for almost 4 months! That is crazy!!

Well, that's all the free time I have left! Back to work!!

P.S. I wrote this yesterday at about 3:00 pm!


Michael & Cherilyn said...

PS--HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday...! sorry I missed it. Hope you got to do something fun... at least it was a bright and sunny day!!

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